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Peer Review: Modeling Professional Science
In the professional world, scientists learn from each other at all stages of the research process. Beginning with applying for funding and ending with publishing research results, scientists provide feedback on each other's work. Though sometimes seen as hampering innovation, peer review provides scientists with valuable opportunities to focus their thinking, sharpen their ideas, and improve their research and writing using feedback from fellow scientists. Each scientist attempts to build on what has been learned by others and to make his or her own new contributions to the field.

In schools, peer review of student research reports can provide analogous opportunities for students to think critically as they question their own and each other's experimental designs, assumptions, results, interpretations, and conclusions. In addition, participation in scientific collaborations helps students to realize the extent to which scientists work together to discuss ideas, share findings, give each other feedback, and collaborate on joint projects.

Peer Review Guidelines for Teachers

Peer Review Home


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