Measuring CO2 Production Using Soda Lime:

Data Form for Blanks


For use with Protocol 8c: Measuring the rate of CO2 production

Complete this form for each blank.


Name(s)  ______________________             Date  ______________________



Protocol 8c, Part 3: Prepare Soda Lime


Before Incubation:


Weight of petri dish bottom


_____________ g

Weight of dish and soda lime before drying


_____________ g

Weight of dish and soda lime after drying (A)


_____________ g



Protocol 8c, Part 5: Calculate the Amount of CO2 Produced


After Incubation:


Weight of dish and soda lime


_____________ g

Weight of dish and soda lime

after re-drying (B)


_____________ g

Blank soda lime weight gain (C)


B – A = _____________ g